St. John's Parent-Teacher Organization helps with many matters at St. John Lutheran School. Hosting hot lunch, leading special events such as Trunk-or-Treat and Egg Scrambles, volunteering in classrooms, raising money for school equipment, welcoming new families, and gathering items for our yearbook are just a few ways that the PTO impacts life at St. John. We encourage families to attend meetings either in person or online, then look for areas where they would like to get involved. Meetings are generally held on the last Monday of each school month at 6:00. Exact dates and times can be found on the calendar under our 'Events' tab.
Be sure to follow our PTO group on Facebook at
Feel free to contact any of our PTO representatives with questions.
Current PTO leadership includes:
Courtney Schisel, PTO President- 920-707-0039, pto@stjohnwrightstown.com
Kari Bern, PTO Vice President- 920-664-1015
Leah Cisler, PTO Secretary- 920-616-0916​

Culver's Coupons Fundraiser- ongoing through October 22nd
Mr. Raddatz' 10 Year St. John Anniversary Celebration- October 17th 5:00-8:00 pm​
Trunk-or-Treat- October 19th from 1:00-3:00 pm
​PTO Meeting- October 28th at 6:00 pm
Hot Lunch- November 8th at 11:30 am
Hot Lunch- November 22 at 11:30 am
PTO Meeting- November 25th at 6:00 pm
Christmas Parade- December 7th
Hot Lunch- December 13th at 11:30 am
Winter Social- TBD​

St. John Lutheran School often feels like one big family, and like all families, things run more smoothly when everyone contributes in line with their strengths. As such, we have several areas where parents can be of great help. Try out some of these or suggest some more areas that can help to improve our school! Any volunteer service through PTO can count towards the 10 hours of volunteer time that are required of each family with an enrolled child. Volunteer hours may be contributed by parents or grandparents. Background checks may be needed for those who volunteer with children.
- help cook and/or serve hot lunch
-work to coordinate and set up fundraisers
-help organize events such as Trunk-or-Treat or the Easter Egg Scramble
-read with children one-on-one
-help with deep cleaning around the school
-work at the reception area on school mornings
-chaperone field trips
-supervise recess times
-be a lead or assistant coach for club or intermural sports
-give a classroom presentation for a special talent or job
-help check in, shelve, and organize books for the library​​​​​

November 8th, 2024- Pancakes, Sausages, Scrambled Eggs, Yogurt Tubes, Fruit, Rice Krispy Bars
November 22, 2024- Grilled Ham and Cheese or Grilled Cheese, Pasta Salad, Chips, Fruit, Root Beer Floats or Plain Ice Cream
December 13, 2024- Shredded Turkey, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Creamed Corn, Applesauce, Birthday Cake Dip with Animal Crackers
January 10, 2025- Walking Tacos with All the Toppings, Yogurt Tubes, Fruit, Dessert
January 24, 2025- Macaroni and Cheese, Chicken Nuggets, Carrots, Cucumbers, Fruit, Dessert
February 7, 2025- Buttered Spaghetti, Meatballs and Sauce, Garlic Bread, Apple Slices, Cupcakes
February 21, 2025- Sloppy Joes, Creamed Corn, Chips, Pickles, Grapes, Dessert
March 7, 2025- Pancakes, Sausages, Scrambled Eggs, Yogurt Tubes, Fruit, Rice Krispy Bars
March 21, 2025- Grilled Ham and Cheese or Grilled Cheese, Pasta Salad, Chips, Fruit, Dessert
April 11, 2025- Walking Tacos with All the Toppings, Yogurt Tubes, Fruit, Dessert
April 25, 2025- Macaroni and Cheese, Chicken Nuggets, Carrots, Cucumbers, Fruit, Dessert
May 9, 2025- Buttered Spaghetti, Meatballs and Sauce, Garlic Bread, Apple Slices, Dessert
May 23, 2025- Hot Dogs, Beans, Chips, Pickles, Ice Cream Cones
*All hot lunches come with a main entree, fruits, veggies, desserts, and juice or milk
**Cost for Hot Lunch is $5 per day

Each classroom has its own parent liaison this year to assist with casual matters. Liaisons will be appointed parents that can be contacted to help out around the classroom, check in on how the school year is going, or be contacted if other parents have questions that they don't want to approach the teachers with. Please note that these positions are not intended to replace direct communication with the teachers-- please contact teachers with concerns, homework question, and more. This year's list of parent liaisons is as follows:
Mrs. Otto's EC1 Classroom- Niki Grossheim 920-841-9988
Mrs. Gamboa's EC2 Classroom- Emily Wichman 920-284-4084
Miss Buss' EC3 Classroom- Brandon Bucholz 920-277-9802
Miss Crowley's K-1 Classroom- Hannah Bucholz 920-450-0074
Mrs. Wicks' 2-3 Classroom- Courtney Schisel 920-707-0039
Mr. Raddatz' 4-5 Classroom- Kristy Asman 920-606-7769
Mr. Solomon's 6-8 Classroom- Courtney Schisel 920-707-0039
Miss Puente's Student Services- Niki Grossheim 920-841-9988​​

We have been greatly blessed at St. John, but we are always looking for more that can improve school life for our students. Some of the items PTO is currently working towards funding include the following:
-Gym mats/pads
- A tetherball setup
-A bike rack
-A swing set for the older students' playground
Please feel free to contribute at any time or to support these efforts through the fundraisers held throughout the school year. We are also open to suggestion for further items that will support our students and staff.
Individual teachers also have wish lists on Amazon. Click the links below to access those.​

In addition to helping to provide physical things for our students, we like to help take care of the faculty who takes care of our children! Some ways that you can help out are:
-Pick up coffee for them. The River Coffeehouse has a list of their favorite drinks and treats and will put together a full order for you at your request.
-Organize a birthday surprise. The PTO newsletter meeting minutes will list upcoming birthdays for anyone who wants to bring them some joy.
-Mark Teacher Appreciation Week on your calendar (usually in early May). Parents in the past have done anything from little notes to gifts to brining in lunch for the staff.
PTO has also asked the staff to assemble a list of some of their favorite things. Click the link below for more ideas on how to spoil them.