St. John Evangelical Lutheran School is a ministry of St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church, Wrightstown, WI. We provide students in three-year-old preschool through the eighth grade with strong Christian educations. It is the goal of St. John Lutheran School to prepare children for useful lives as citizens in this life and to direct attention to the lasting citizenship they will share with other Christians in heaven. Our curriculum strives to provide a balanced menu for growth in all areas of the child's life-- the mental, physical, spiritual, and social/emotional, as expressed in Luke 2:52: "Jesus grew in wisdom (mental) and stature (physical) and in favor with God (spiritual) and man (social/emotional)."
St. John offer a multi-grade environment, where students in multiple grades interact within the same classroom. This provides many benefits that you will not find in single-grade classrooms. Here, students have a stable environment with the same teacher and classmates for multiple years. Students frequently collaborate across grade levels, allowing younger students to learn from older students and older students to practice leadership skills. The multi-grade grouping system allows us to learn together as one big family, breaking down barriers of age and gender. This grouping is especially beneficial to students with special needs and students with extra gifts, as the low teacher-to-child ratio and secure environment allows them to flourish.
Despite our smaller school, we have a strong curriculum and large range of opportunities. Our school has a record of high performance on standardized academic tests. We provide up-to-date technology, with students in second grade on up having a one-to-one device ratio. St. John's is also proud to offer plenty of extra-curricular opportunities for students to extend and display their talents.